Walking on Cinders

Set in London and France a short time in the future, Walking on Cinders is a rousing story that brings together three British soldiers with the unlikeliest of companions, United Forces singing sweetheart, Miss Marmalade. England’s capital has been battered by three years of bitter conflict, and the group soon find themselves at the forefront of a battle to bring the dark days of war to an end. With deceit and corruption all around, how can the comrades find peace for themselves and for war-torn Europe?

Walking on Cinders 10th Anniversary

2020, marked the 10th annivesarry of the original publication of Ben’s second work of fiction, Walking on Cinders. The novel went on to form part of the 1000 books to sell project, where Ben became one of the first authors to promote this work on social media and gained coverage in both the UK and USA. The novel is available to purchase now on Amazon around the world.

With the world is in a state of flux and fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, Ben wanted to do something to bring people together at a trying time. He decided to read the entirety of Walking on Cinders in a series of live streams on his X/Twitter account to celebrate the anniversary.

You can follow Ben on X/Twitter and watch all of the videos here.